Saturday, February 25, 2012


A fellow blogger mentioned that freedom can not be bought, and I totally agree! it is to be earned, but in my island buying freedom with the stone money means, for example, you have done something terribly wrong like stole from others or killed somebody or something like that, and those people want to kill you or punish you, the stone money is somehow worth your life. It is up to your family to decide if they should trade with the wronged people a stone money for your life. It is rather complicated in these modern times where there's law enforcement and dollar bills. but that is how it was back in the day. There are other currencies used which are sea shells such as pearl shells called "Yaar" when translated into the English tongue it basically means knife. These sea shells are shaped to look like knives with fixed coconut husk handles and they can be used as tools, used as a currency or as a sign of peace offering with other people if there is a conflict. The picture enclosed is a mere picture of the sea shells used as currencies and you can actually buy land and other people with these too. it all depends on the value of the "knife" it must be ancient or one of a kind or in my point of view is should pretty much look ugly and old.

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